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The definitive history of the Climategate affair
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Much of the nonsense here is a rehash of what he presented in an interview with ...
The Bish should sic the secular arm on GC: lese majeste'!
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Entries in Josh (440)


Madhouse Mann - Josh 384

Michael Mann has a book out called "The Madhouse Effect' with cartoons by Tom Toles. 

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Bulldog Bob

To tell the truth, there has been very little that has piqued my interest in the climate scene since my long break began all those months ago.

But my goodness, David Rose's splash in the Mail on Sunday over the weekend was something else wasn't it? Those paragons of virtue at Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, overseen by our old friends Nick and Bob, have been, well, nicking other people's results and passing them off as their own, the better to fleece the taxpayer of a bob or two (or nine million).

That certainly made me sit up and take notice.

Here's Josh's take...



GWPF Annual Lecture 2016 - Cartoon notes by Josh

Last night Matt Ridley gave an excellent lecture titled 'Global warming vs global greening'. You can read the text and slides here.

Cartoons by Josh



Playing the fool - Josh 383

Actor and activist Leo DiCaprio: 

“If you do not believe in climate change, you do not believe in facts, or in science or empirical truths and therefore, in my humble opinion, should not be allowed to hold public office,” he said.

The irony is that DiCaprio has come under fire for taking private jets around the world and renting out superyachts for lavish parties — that’s a big carbon footprint for a climate crusader.

Hacked Sony emails showed DiCaprio used private jets to fly between New York to Los Angeles six times in six weeks during 2015.

The Academy Award winning actor even flew 8,000 miles to receive an environmental reward — enough carbon dioxide was burnt to power 20 U.S. homes for a year.

Read the article here. 

Cartoons by Josh


Dark down under - Josh 382

In the news this week:

A dramatic, sudden loss of wind power generation was the root cause of South Australia’s state wide blackout last week.

Read about it at The Global Warming Policy Forum

Cartoons by Josh


Clexit - Josh 381

At 'The London Confrence' there was also discussion about 'Clexit' - like Brexit but a 'Climate Exit' - a new initiative by Viv Forbes - read about it here. I drew some cartoon notes along with those below but thought it was worth its own post.

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The London Conference - Josh 380

You might have read about 'The London Conference on Climate Change: Science and Geoethics' organised by Nils-Axel Mörner. It was two days of scientific presentations and discussions. I managed to be there for around half of the talks, which were fascinating although sometimes quite technical, and drew some cartoon notes...

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No room for St Jeremy - Josh 379

Another completely off topic Corbyn cartoon - he is a bit of a gift really and I couldn't resist. 

H/t to Marcus Leroux and The BBC

Cartoons by Josh


'Tiny the Turbine'

It might not look like it has been a busy summer but I've been beavering away on a follow up to the Subisdy Sam story produced earlier in the year. Today we are launching 'Tiny the Turbine' written by Lyndsey Ward and illustrated by me.

Lyndsey writes:

Tiny the Turbine is a story that really is for children. Following Subsidy Sam’s release it was clear that there was a need for something that would help children understand the negative impacts of large scale wind developments. Happily Josh agreed and we have worked together to produce this second story specifically for children. Subsidy Sam is a dark tale but Tiny the Turbine is a moral and uplifting story and shows that it is possible to succeed in fighting against the bad things in life no matter how daunting it may seem.

If you head over to this page on the Cartoons by Josh website you can download the story and, if you haven't yet, donate something - all funds greatly appreciated - please share on social media and generally spread the word - that would also be greatly appreciated!

Many thanks,

Cartoons by Josh 


Playing the Lead - Josh 378

Please note, no actual Labour Leaders were harmed during the making of this cartoon.

Cartoons by Josh


Bremorse - Josh 377

I think Brexit might need cartoons, so here is one plus some reading. A hilarious post by Julie Birchill in the Spectator and something a bit more sensible from 'futurist' Patrick Dixon:

Ignore 96% of what you are reading and hearing in the media, which is on the whole pompous nonsense.

Cartoons by Josh


Subsidy Sam - the book!

As readers might recall I drew a cartoon for anti-wind campaigner Lyndsey Ward whose story 'Subsidy Sam' was in the news back in April. 

I have now completed all the other illustrations for her story and put them all into a book format which is free to download via the Cartoons by Josh website. 

If you do download the book please think about making a donation - we are hoping to raise enough funds for a second story, 'Timmy the Tiny Turbine', which Lyndsey has written for younger children.

Many thanks!

Posted by Josh


Vulture Capitalism - Josh 376


Spin this - Josh 375

Updated on May 16, 2016 by Registered CommenterJosh

Following Ed Hawkins lovely Global Temperature Change spirograph I thought I would add a few more centuries of data. Just for balance.

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Byway robbery - Josh 374

There is a fairly persistent alarmist idea that if only 'Climate Change' was properly communicated then everyone would believe all the hype, spin and misinformation and ignore the politicking, the dodgy science, and the duff statistics.

The latest study from the University of California outlines how to talk about climate change to increase donations.

How to talk about climate change so people will act

What can you do about climate change? The better question might be: What can we? University of California San Diego researchers show in a new study that framing the issue collectively is significantly more effective than emphasis on personal responsibility.

Published in the journal Climatic Change, the study finds that people are willing to donate up to 50 percent more cash to the cause when thinking about the problem in collective terms.

Thinking about climate change from a personal perspective produced little to no change in behaviour.

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