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Entries in GWPF (94)


For a few details more

This is filched from the comments at WUWT and contains, at one remove, a few thoughts from one of the attendees at the Royal Society meeting with GWPF.

Before Christmas I attended an area joint Mech E/IET lecture on Climate Change, given by Professor John Shepherd CBE FRS, a Professorial Research Fellow at the National Oceanographic Centre, University of Southampton, and a leading member of the Royal Society Climate Change Committee. I was quite staggered at what he had to say, and if he is part of the group of people advising Ed Davey I can quite understand why Davy is so convinced that disaster will befall us all if we fail to limit CO2 emissions. In his introduction he told us that he had been one of the six Royal Society “climate scientists” that had met Lawson’s Global Warming Policy Foundation in the House of Lords at the end of November. According to Lawson, although the RS had insisted that would not participate unless journalists were kept away, Shepherd went out of his way to tell us that the meeting was not secret; its purpose apparently was to convince the Global Warming Foundation principals of the seriousness of increasing CO2 emissions. He admitted there had not been a meeting of minds!

Almost at once Shepherd told the audience to take no notice of “sceptics” as they didn’t know what they were talking about, which as far as I was concerned set the tone for his lecture! He began with a graph showing the relationship between CO2 and temperature that was identical to the one in the Al Gore film that purported to show how very high levels of CO2 had caused very high global temperatures on four occasions in history, showing the two to be co-incident, when of course an expanded timescale shows CO2 levels lagging the temperature rise. He then showed the infamous Jones/Mann/Biffa hockey stick that had been the subject of the “hide the decline” emails and which they concocted by being very selective in which tree samples they, and particularly Biffa, had used. The current pause he dismissed as just a little blip; such blips had happened in the past and inexorable warming would start again very soon he said. And so it went on, and I cannot see him ever rowing back from the position he has taken. Further, if his five colleagues are as bad, then heaven help us. I must say I expected a little more integrity from an FRS. Another illusion shattered!


A difference of opinion

Image via Albion Prints. Click for link.There has been some interesting correspondence in the Spectator regarding the meeting between GWPF and a group of FRSs nominated by Paul Nurse. This was sparked by Nigel Lawson's report on the events, which was discussed here the other day.

The FRSs seem to have been a bit upset by Lawson's take on the affair:

Sir: Lord Lawson has written in his diary (30 November) under the online summary headline ‘my secret showdown with the Royal Society on global warming’, but the reality is rather different. As he is aware, the purpose of the meeting on 19 November was not to put on a public performance, but to provide Lord Lawson with expert advice on climate science. The science summarised by the climate scientists was generally agreed to by all present.

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From the Top. It's Secret - Josh 246

And this isn't a cartoon about this story which Nigel Lawson never talked about in the Spectator.

Glad that's settled.

Cartoons by Josh



A right royal showdown

The long-awaited meeting between representatives of GWPF and the Royal Society has at last taken place. Nigel Lawson has a brief report on the meeting at the Spectator, revealing little about the content, except for the fact that he is prevented from telling more by a demand for secrecy imposed by the Royal Society fellows themselves.

This is, to say the least, monumentally pathetic of them. Lawson sounds as though he found the experience slightly frustrating:

But what did emerge was that, if anyone needed educating, it was them. Despite the fact that they were headed by Professor Sir Brian Hoskins, the Director of the Grantham Institute, which has pronounced views on climate policy, and a member of the Climate Change Committee, which is concerned with the implementation of the Climate Change Act, they were very reluctant to engage on the crucial issue of climate change policy at all.

I have heard a few other details on the grapevine and I gather that the Royal Society fellows are more inclined to believe computer models than empirical data. So I wonder if some revision on that whole "scientific method" thingy might be in order too.



GWPF Annual Lecture: 'One religion is enough' - Cartoon notes by Josh

On Guy Fawkes night this week we were treated to a brilliant Annual GWPF Lecture given by John Howard, former Prime Minister of Australia.

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Green Deal No Deal - Josh 243

Sunday before last there was an interesting story by Jonathan Leake in the Sunday Times. He writes "The Green Deal, the government’s flagship home energy-saving scheme, which was meant to create up to 60,000 jobs by 2015, has instead caused up to 7,000 redundancies, with more likely to follow."

You can read more The GWPF here or at the Sunday Times here.

Cartoons by Josh


Mackay bashes Lawson

In his evidence to the Science and Technology Committee this morning, DECC chief scientist David Mackay attacked Nigel Lawson for (allegedly) saying in an article a few weeks ago that the IPCC was advocating a complete phase-out of fossil fuels.

The article in question is this one at the Telegraph. I think there is a bit of a snafu here. The text of the article is as follows:

What we should emphatically not do is what Dr Pachauri, Lord Stern and that gang are calling for and decarbonise the global economy by phasing out fossil fuels.

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GWPF has launched couple of videos on extreme weather events. A long version and a short version are embedded below. Benny Peiser was wondering if BH readers would like to comment and/or make suggestions for improvement.



Consensus? What Consensus?

I have a short GWPF briefing paper out on the Cook et al paper. Here's the press release.

London, 2 September: In recent weeks US President Obama and the UK’s Energy and Climate Secretary Ed Davey have both cited a survey of climate science abstracts that alleges an overwhelming consensus on the subject of global warming.

In a new briefing note published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation today, Andrew Montford reviews the methodology used in the survey and concludes that the consensus revealed by the paper by Cook et al. is so broad that it incorporates the views of most prominent climate sceptics.

“The consensus as described by the survey is virtually meaningless and tells us nothing about the current state of scientific opinion beyond the trivial observation that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and that human activities have warmed the planet to some unspecified extent,” Andrew Montford says.

“The survey methodology therefore fails to address the key points that are in dispute in the global warming debate,” Montford adds.

Andrew Montford: Consensus? What Consensus?



Lawson lays down law

The GWPF has issued a press release about the putative meeting with some climatologists nominated by Paul Nurse.

Lord Lawson, the chairman of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), has invited five Fellows of the Royal Society to meet him and his team in the House of Lords to discuss issues surrounding climate science and policy.

The five climate scientists, nominated by Sir Paul Nurse, the President of the Royal Society, refused an earlier invitation to meet with the Director of the GWPF, Dr Peiser, and a small group of experts nominated by the GWPF. Although they gave no reason for their unwillingness to engage, the Fellows stated they would be happy to ‘advise’ Lord Lawson personally.

Lord Lawson said he was willing to give the Royal Society a last chance to engage in a genuine dialogue, at which he would be personally present. “If this [invitation] is not acceptable, I can only conclude that, regrettably, you and your colleagues are unwilling to engage in genuine discussion and debate about this important issue.”

At the same time, the Foundation has published the correspondence between the two men, which is well worth a read. My report on the Royal Society is discussed.

See it all here.


Ross McKitrick: an evidence-based approach to pricing CO2 emissions - cartoon notes by Josh

Here are my cartoon notes of a paper presented today by Prof Ross McKitrick, hosted by The GWPF in one of the committee rooms in the House of Lords, Westminster, London, UK. The title is "An evidence-based approach to pricing CO2 emissions". It was intellectually stretching, intriguing and elegant. Ross' brilliance is that he makes the complicated sound simple.

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GWPF and the Charities Commission

The Grantham Institute for Climate Change continues to spend its time pursuing GWPF rather than doing anything constructive with the money it receives from Mr Grantham and the Global Green Growth Institute. Bob Ward has issued a complaint to the Charities Commissioners about something or other.

It feels a bit desperate to me.

As an aside, the GGGI looks interesting, apparently having morphed from a Korean non-profit organisation into a fully fledged transnational organisation. The relevant order for legal immunities is apparently being rubber-stamped in Westminster.


The amazing meeting

The Global Warming Policy Foundation has taken Paul Nurse up on his suggestion that they get together with some top climatologists to discuss climate science, and has issued formal invititations (press release and further details here). The proposed agenda looks interesting too:

1. The science of global warming, with special reference to (a) the climate sensitivity to carbon dioxide and (b) the extent of natural variability;

2. The conduct and professional standards of those involved in the relevant scientific inquiry and official advisory process.

Pass the popcorn.


Royal Society responds to Lawson?

Readers may remember that Nigel Lawson had responded positively to Paul Nurse's offer to put forward some scientists who wanted to engage on the great global warming questions. Today, Hannah Devlin, the science editor at the Times, has tweeted that the Royal Society has now sent GWPF a list of scientists who are willing to take part:

I hear has sent list of top scientists who'd be happy to provide sound advice on evidence for climate change 1/2

I do hope takes up on this offer to engage with mainstream scientific community 2/2

Nothing from GWPF itself yet.


The Age of Global Warming - Josh 210

There was a book event at The GWPF this week where Rupert Darwall presented his new book called 'The Age of Global Warming'. Josh was there taking some cartoon notes.

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