Upcoming events

Next week, I'm off down south for a couple of days. The purpose of the visit is to attend a conference to which I've been invited. This promises to be fun, with a positively stellar list of speakers:
- Phil Jones
- Andrew Watson (of "Morano is an asshole" fame)
- Mike Lockwood (of "Svensmark is all wrong" fame)
- Henrik Svensmark (of "no I'm not" fame)
- Nils Axel Morner
- Ian Plimer
- John Mitchell (of "no IPCC working papers" fame)
- Nigel Lawson
- Vaclav Klaus
The balance of speakers is not quite right, with nobody there to put the Stern review side of the economic arguments, but it's hard to argue with the calibre of speaker the organisers have recruited. The suggestion in the invitation was that the organisers see the event as forming an opportunity for compromise between the two sides of the global warming debate.
I will try to liveblog at least some of the proceedings on Tuesday, wifi availability and battery life permitting. Josh will be on hand to do the visuals.
If anyone wants to help defray the cost of the trip, your contributions to the tip box will be gratefully received.
[The conference is invitation-only, but Phil Jones is doing a repeat of his talk at the University of Lancaster on Friday (h/t Aztek) for those who are interested.]