Falkenblog on the Hockey Stick Illusion

A review of the Hockey Stick Illusion from economist Eric Falkenstein.
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A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
A review of the Hockey Stick Illusion from economist Eric Falkenstein.
Stairway Press is now stocking the Hockey Stick Illusion in the USA.
Buy here.
Spiked has an article about yours truly and the Hockey Stick. There is also a photograph.
In the comments on the Collide-a-scape thread, Judy Curry has issued a challenge to mainstream climate science:
I am laying down the gauntlet, [The Hockey Stick Illusion] really needs to discussed and rebutted by the paleo researchers and the IPCC defenders.
Most of the responses are fallacious so far - along the lines of "a bad person liked this book". Let's see if anything more substantial appears.
Roger Harrabin has an article about "libertarian columnists" in New Scientist.
Libertarian columnists have helped turned many British Conservative parliamentarians into climate doubters, and the Conservative prime minister, David Cameron, has installed a Liberal Democrat climate secretary to give his coalition's green policies some protection from his own party's right wing.
Libertarian columnists? Whoever can he mean?
Keith Kloor's Collide-a-scape site is currently discussing the Hockey Stick Illusion. Many of the usual suspects are arguing that it should be ignored, with Judy Curry arguing the case that it matters.
Please keep it ultra-polite and don't rise to any bait that is set out for you.
Andy Russell, a climatologist from Manchester, has written a brief history of the Hockey Stick. He says he hasn't read the Hockey Stick Illusion, which is a pity because he hasn't really moved things forward at all. There are many things he gets wrong that are covered in the book.
I've suggested he gets hold of a copy.
(Andy's piece is not inflamatory and I hope anyone commenting there will reply in the same vein).
I've amended the link in the sidebar for non-UK readers who want to get hold of the Hockey Stick Illusion. The link now points at the Book Depository, a UK seller who will ship worldwide for free.
Sam Norton, who by day is a churchman - the Rector of West Mersea in Essex - has written a very interesting post about the Hockey Stick and how layman can assess the competing arguments.
When McIntyre started up his Climate Audit blog, it was the equivalent of the 95 theses. In just the same way as Luther believed himself to remain a faithful Christian, and not be inventing a new religion, (and, in fact, had the church responded with integrity, he would have remained a Catholic) so too do McIntyre's criticisms not raise any questions about the theory of scientific investigation. Instead, the questions raised are about the current practice of that scientific investigation, most especially with regard to paleo-climatology and the weight given to certain alleged results in that field.
I'm grateful to Amelia's Magazine for mentioning the Hockey Stick Illusion on her blog today - even if she says she's not going to read it. Amelia came across the book at the London Book Fair where my tome was placed just above hers.
There's a very nice review of the Hockey Stick Illusion here.
Seth Roberts is discussing the Hockey Stick Illusion again. This time he's looking at how the best people are sometimes wrong.
Hot on the heels of his review of The Hockey Stick Illusion, Seth Roberts looks at the parallels between the story and that of the Madoff case.
Bret Swanson, who is the head of a company called Entropy Economics, has written a very nice review of the Hockey Stick Illusion.