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The extraordinary attempts to prevent sceptics being heard at the Institute of Physics
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Entries in Climate: HSI (172)


Another book

A few people have asked if I am going to be writing another book. The answer is yes, and I have started work, but progress is painfully slow at the moment. Two chapters done before Christmas. It's a matter of being able to get the time to do it.

I'll keep you posted.

In the meantime, I'm away for the weekend, so be good while I'm away.


Another gig

Another speaking engagement last night, but again a private one.

I gave a talk to the Scottish Oil Club, which I've mentioned here before. The club has its roots in oil, but brings together people from across the energy industry, including renewables, and also has many members from the academic community and from the service industries - lawyers and accountants and the like.

The audience, perhaps 70 strong, was largely from the academic community, but there was no sense of antagonism and although there were many questions, I had no sense of being "got at". One questioner identified himself as an IPCC author, and although he was disputing a couple of things I had said, his questions were fair and put in a moderate way. Somebody else was concerned with me making money out of selling books.  This struck me as a poor argument.

All in all, a good evening. Thanks to Rob Scheider and the SOC board for making this happen.


Climategate in LaStampa

The Italian newspaper LaStampa has an article about my GWPF report on the Climategate inquiries. The Hockey Stick Illusion gets a mention too.

Italian original here. Machine translation here.

There's some interesting responses from Italian academics, which seem to centre around my having no expertise in climate science. Why they think that this would be relevant to a report about the conduct of some inquiries is anyone's guess.

Thanks are due once again to Maurizio Morabito and to Instituto Bruno Leoni for making the Italian translation happen.


More Chuck

The Express covers Prince Charles' speech to the European Parliament yesterday. Yours truly is quoted as follows:

Andrew Montford, author of The Hockey Stick Illusion, which seeks to debunk climate change science, said: “It isn’t sceptics who have eroded public opinion – climate scientists have destroyed their own credibility by hyping global warming and cheating the scientific process. More hype from Prince Charles will merely turn people off further.”

Hmm. I specifically say that The Hockey Stick Illusion doesn't disprove the global warming hypothesis. It's a pity they didn't check this with me.


Orwell prize

The Hockey Stick Illusion has been entered for the Orwell Prize, Britain's premier literary award for political writing. The (very long!) list of competing titles is here.


HSI citations

A couple more citations of The Hockey Stick Illusion have appeared in the academic literature.

'Science at the Crossroads: Fact or Fiction?' is a review article in the Journal of Medical Biochemistry by David Goldberg of the University of Toronto. Goldberg looks at the pressures of modern science and how these can sometimes lead to misconduct.

The second citation is from Jörg Friedrichs of the University of Oxford. Entitled 'Peak energy and climate change: the double bind of post-normal science' it is in press at the journal, Futures. The abstract can be seen here.


Amazon green bestsellers 2010

Via the Guardian, The Hockey Stick Illusion was number 2 on the green bestsellers list for 2010. There are also several other well known names on the list, but these have release dates in earlier years, so it's perhaps not quite as amazing as it looks. Nevertheless, in view of the failure of most MSM outlets to review the book at all, HSI's performance says something about the power of the blogosphere and the failure of the MSM.

Guardian coverage here.


HSI - big in Canada

Donna Laframboise's recommendation seems to have had an effect - the Hockey Stick Illusion seems to have leapt up the Amazon Canada chart - currently at 1270. Also another Canadian blog has picked it up here and given it a good plug.

Thanks again Donna.


Graun on best green books

Damian Carrington looks at best selling books on the environment. Apparently the top seller for 2010 was The Vanishing Face of Gaia, which shifted 5200 copies.

I did a double take since The Hockey Stick Illusion has sold slightly more than this, although I'm not sure we are comparing like with like - the 5200 figure may be UK-only and many of my sales have been to the US.

It will certainly be interesting to see whether I get a name-check in any of the "books of the year" articles that are coming our way.


HSI sightings

A couple of recent sightings of the Hockey Stick Illusion.

First there's Reformatorisch Dagblad, a Dutch newspaper, which has an article on the MWP, based largely on HSI. Original here, machine translation here. This appears to be the first of a two-part feature.

Then from South Africa, there's this article in Business Day looking at the year since Climategate and mentioning the Hal Lewis resignation, and with it HSI. The book is apparently "essential reading for understanding the climate scam".


Christmas is coming... it would seem churlish not to remind readers of an excellent book for the geek in your life...

Buy it from:


Best sceptic books

Reader Pat writes from Australia, wondering what sceptic books he should be recommending to his local library. He suggests that they will take as many as five different titles, so tick as many suggestions as you like in the poll below.

Click to read more ...


A letter to DECC's chief scientist

Do take a look at Matt Ridley's letter to David Mackay, chief scientist at the Department of Energy and Climate Change. The Hockey Stick Illusion is mentioned.


Fallout at Geoscientist

There has been some interesting fallout from Bob Ward's article at Geoscientist, which you may remember involved some Wardish criticisms of Joe Brannan for having the temerity to write a favourable review of The Hockey Stick Illusion. At the same time, Geoscientist printed an editorial muttering darkly about global warming deniers and the "powerful interests" that back them (allegedly).

This has led to some interesting correspondence on the Geoscientist letters page, which can be seen here. Here is an example:

Geoscientist is a magazine for geoscientists concerned with scientific issues, and in my view the editorials should reflect this. They should be balanced, non-partisan and they should promote geoscience in a rational way. Your article was a call to arms of the worst kind. You address the Fellows of the Society by saying "...the probability of our being responsible for most of the measured warming of the last century ... should be accepted by everyone, everywhere, as fact." This is totally out of order, and I take great exception to being hectored in this way.


BBC will stop being biased

New editorial guidelines have been issued by the BBC and the Telegraph is reporting that these are likely to force the corporation to take a more balanced approach to scientific issues, presumably including global warming climate change disruption.

But the BBC’s new editorial guidelines, published yesterday after an extensive consultation that considered over 1,600 submissions by members of the public, say expressly for the first time that scientific issues fall within the corporation’s obligation to be impartial.

“The BBC must be inclusive, consider the broad perspective, and ensure that the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflected,” said BBC trustee Alison Hastings.

I feel certain that the head of factual programming will be telephoning to commission a miniseries based on The Hockey Stick Illusion, so I'll wait by the phone today...

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