Questioning Mann

Anne Jolis's review of Michael Mann's Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars is the only one I've seen in the mainstream media that approaches the book with anything other than a placid acceptance of Mann's utterances.
Mr. Mann closes "The Hockey Stick" with a passionate call for more scientists to join him "on the front lines of the climate wars." "Scientific truth alone," Mr. Mann writes, "is not enough to carry the day in the court of public opinion." It would be "irresponsible," he says, "for us to silently stand by while industry-funded climate change deniers succeed in confusing and distracting the public and dissuading our policy makers from taking appropriate actions." These are unfortunate conclusions for a scientist-turned-climate-warrior whose greatest weakness has always been a low estimation of the public intellect.
At Lucia's blog, on Feb 15th, Branden Shollenberger commented:
"I just received my copy of Michael Mann’s book. The first sentence of it is (emphasis mine):
Two pages later, there are these two sentences:
That’s as far as I’ve gotten, but it shows a disturbing trend. Ideas which are possible, but by no means known to be true, are stated as fact. If this is remotely representative of the book’s accuracy, there is no way the people giving it glowing reviews read it with an open mind."
Over the next few days Brandon finds more errors as he reads the book. It is quite fun to follow the unfolding story but you can download the whole review as a pdf here.
And there's more! This weekend Brandon hopes to share a second document covering other issues and which we will add as an update to this post.
Frank O'Dwyer has his own opinions on Brandon's review which you can read here - he doesn't like it.
Posted by Josh