PowerPoint postings
A PowerPoint presentation looking at how energy will be consumed in the city of Cambridge in the year 2030.
Look who is quoted on the final slide (hint: it's not me).
Click images for more details
A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
A PowerPoint presentation looking at how energy will be consumed in the city of Cambridge in the year 2030.
Look who is quoted on the final slide (hint: it's not me).
The latest in the captcha saga is that I've switched it on again following another tweak from Squarespace. Let me know if this causes grief again.
I've switched it off again...
The comments have been reinstated on Simon Singh's blog. Good-oh!
(H/T Matthu in unthreaded)
It's half term at the moment and I've headed for the beach. Blogging will therefore be light.
I've had the captcha switched off for a week or so which I think has reduced the problems with commenting (although not eliminated them entirely). A new fix is now in place so I'm going to switch it back on again. Let me know how it goes.
I'm off on my travels from Monday morning. I should be back on Wednesday evening.
Squarespace have now deployed a fix to deal with the commenting issue. Readers who are affected will need to clear their caches and cookies for it to take effect.
Please let me know if this doesn't have the desired effect.
A new blog for your attention - Scottish Sceptic is the site of Mike Haseler, a former Green party candidate, who has now seen the error of his ways...
I've been asked to get more details of the commenting problems. If you are affected again could you
1. Note exactly what you were doing
2. Give details of the error message
3. Give browser type and version, OS and version and IP address
Now the new domain host has been in place for a few days, has anyone noticed an improvement in the commenting problems?
Joe Bastardi has set up his new online home at www.weatherbell.com.
Welcome back Joe.
The changeover to a new domain host took place just now. Let's see if this makes any difference to the commenting problems. It may take 24 hours for the new settings to propagate around the internet though.
A new blog on the block - Perpetual Motion is the online home of Colin McInnes, professor of engineering at Strathclyde University, and is focused on engineering, energy and the environment.
I have now added a forum to this site as a home for off topic conversations and anything else people want to talk about.
The link is in the navigation bar.