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The story behind the BBC's 28gate scandal
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Much of the nonsense here is a rehash of what he presented in an interview with ...
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Entries in Blogs (236)


The perils of citizen journalism

I just chanced upon a new website called Human Times which aims to be a citizen journalist news agency. The idea is that anyone can sign up and post stories. It's an interesting idea, but unfortunately I think they a few quality control issues to address before they're ready for the big time though. Take this story for example.....

A shocking new dossier financed and compiled by the British National Party has revealed that every day in the UK, over 1000 Billy Goats are drugged and sodomised against their will by ‘Un-cleansed individuals’. The dossier, named ‘We don’t want do that’, claims that a recent influx of Polish migrants and increased Catholicism is to blame for the barbaric act becoming rife, and is a past time in these circles. However the dossier also raises the possibility of other minorities joining in, perhaps creating some sort of underground ‘super immigrant animal raping group’, much like the Irish.

Typically the Billy Goat is lured in and fed with a calpol laced cinnamon bun, before having its front legs clubbed repeatedly... After the make up and cocktail dress are applied, the ‘fun’ begins in a large and patient group. This awful practice can be traced back to many areas of Eastern Europe, particularly those countries now members of the European Union. A popular late night Romanian TV show translated as ‘Fun in the barn’ uses the practice as part of a game its game show, were contestants must catch and penetrate greased up farm animals in exchange for prizes such as swimming goggles.

Eastern Europe has suffered some disastrous side effects from the practice, with as much as 60% of the areas population now related to an animal in some way. In the early 80’s, the Bulgarian town of Varna was the birth place of the Worlds first human/sheep inter-breed. A stunned farmer helped deliver the hairy, two legged mongrel using a leather lasso, before raising it as his own offspring. Since then it has been a common occurrence, with many farmers making money by charging entrance fees to their barns and watch either a conception or a birth... How long before this story is mirrored in our wonderful country?

Vick roster, BNP member and founder of, is leading a campaign to stop our country becoming populated by zoo mongrels and be known as ‘Brilliant Britain, rather than ‘Bestiality Britain’. She said “Years ago, immigrants used to come to our country and offer an invaluable service like delivering milk or strangling badgers. Nowadays if you go to any building site across the country, all you will find is lazy men swooning the local wildlife by whispering sweet polish nothings into their ears. No wonder the country is in recession. But due to our government being a bunch of cat stroking tree huggers there is nothing we can do, as wave after wave washes up pointy panted polish perverts onto our shores.”

Reaction to the dossier has been mixed, ranging from ‘it distracts them from incest’ to ‘cull them like kangaroo’. However some people are refusing to acknowledge the looming disaster, with even the government claiming the report to be exaggerated. Perhaps it’s too late, and our hippy liberal leaders have already been got at by the fiends. But the BNP say they will watch and wait, for the time when the anarchic beasts roam and famine spreads death. Her Majesty will call them for God and country, and there will be plenty of cheap Polish meat for us all.


Picking losers

Bruno at Picking Losers is blogging again. Excellent libertarian ideas and a man who knows more about recycling and landfill than is good for him.


The shorter Sunny Hundal

Better investors demand lower interest rates.



You know when you've arrived...

..when one of your blog postings is cited in Wikipedia. Well, not exactly cited, because blog postings are not permitted in Wiki unless it's RealClimate. But there is a citation here of Roger Pielke Jnr discussing Caspar and the Jesus paper, which is good enough for me.

I expect the book contracts to be rolling in shortly...


Generous bankers

Back to the grind, and it's been cold wet and miserable since we got home. Mind you, that's not a lot different to the weather in Spain. Amazing stuff, this global warming.

Thought for the day was prompted by a posting at CiF, where Ian Jack comments in passing about greedy bankers. The thing is, the credit crunch was caused by aforementioned greedy bankers handing out money to people who had no chance of ever paying it back. I always thought this sort of behaviour was called "generosity" rather than "greed".

(Yes, I know, they were only dishing out the money because the government made them, but all the same...)


Blogging break

Last weekend one of the baby bishops had a sleepover at a pal's house, camping out in the garden. Temperatures fell to 2oC. This struck me as a valuable lesson in life, namely that camping is uncomfortable and not desperately enjoyable.

This week we're off to warmer climes for another valuable lesson in life, hopefully involving sherry.

Back in a couple of weeks.


On writing popular blog posts

Thanks to everyone who has linked to the last post, which has given me record visitor numbers. There is an irresistable urge to spend your whole day refreshing your visitor number figures when this happens, isn't there?

The counter is still heading upwards as I write. Welcome to everyone who is visiting for the first time and thanks for all your comments.


New template

The chaps at Squarespace have released a new version of their content management system which has lead to a bit of a change in the template for this site.  If I had the time or the inclination I might change things more radically, but for the minute it's still pretty much the same.

The upgrade has brought some natty new changes. I particularly like the ability to manipulate images from within the WYSIWYG editor - resizing, captioning, changing the text wrapping and so on.


It's nice to be appreciated

My posting about gun control the other day has been nominated as post of the week by the Watcher's Council, a group of American blogs.

It's nice to be appreciated. Thanks guys!


Who says bloggers never do anything useful

OK so we've had the fake George Bush memo exposure, and the odd factual inaccuracy spotted, but this is quite a good one: a blogger in the US has found a factual error in a ruling of the Supreme Court. The justices' mistake is so important as to invalidate the whole ruling.

What do they do now, I wonder?


A proud moment

I think I've just had a comment deleted for the first time!

I have a policy of always being polite when visiting other people's blogs, particularly if I'm disagreeing with somebody. Todays deletions were not one of those occasions though. What is odd is that I didn't even think that I was being particularly probing or contrary.

The culprit was (and it will probably surprise few of my readers to learn this) Real Climate, a site with a certain reputation for deleting inconvenient comments. My comments were in response to a posting by Gavin Schmidt about ice (or lack of it) at the North Pole in which he said that the situation being observed at present was different to previous instances.

What is being discussed here is large expanses of almost completely ice-free water. That would indeed be unprecedented since we've been tracking it.

My comment merely asked what he meant by "large". The comment sat in moderation for twelve hours or so, and is now gone completely. I can only assume that it has been deleted.

Another commenter posted a comment about "denialists" arguing that volcanic activity might have contributed to Arctic ice melt. He said:

The mean global sunlight absorbed by the climate system is about 237 watts per square meter.
The mean global geothermal flux is about 0.087 watts per square meter.
Divide A by B. Discuss.

To which I pointed out that the mean geothermal flux couldn't be a relevant measure.  That comment has gone too though.

It's a strange feeling of pride one gets when a scientific bigwig reckons that your arguments are probing enough to warrant summary deletion. A feather in my cap, I would say.

Update: I'm wrong. It has now appeared. Why it should appear to be in moderation and then disappear completely before reappearing again is beyond me.


A new tool for bloggers

This looks like a useful tool for bloggers - WhatDoTheyKnow? - which publishes successful Freedom of Information requests. You can get all the answers on an RSS feed too.

It's brought to you by My Society, the people who created TheyWorkForYou, the website with the ironic title.



Bigger Bishop

There appear to have been enough people who found the font size 'ere a bit on the small side, so I've upped it a bit. I await a rush of new readers....


Is this too small?

One of my readers tells me that my blog's font size is too small. Does anyone else agree with this - should I up the size a bit?


Lots of good stuff around this morning

Is it just me, or are there a lot of interesting blog posts around this morning. Try these, for example:

Eamonn Butler on why plastic bags are better than paper ones, and why lots of packaging is better than none.

The Englishman on why hedgehogs are in decline.

EU Referendum on why we should be expecting power outages next winter. 

Who'd read a newspaper these days? (Although having said that, it's worth reading this article in the Telegraph about the EU's latest attempt to crush dissent).