Entries by Josh (345)

Quackery? Josh 143
H/t to Tallbloke who spotted the homeopathy quote by Gavin over at Realclimate. Check out his post here. Judith Curry has a much more sensible view on Kevin's Missing heat here.

Warm weather - Josh 142

George Monbiot's hilarious article 'Do the weather forecasters used by the Daily Mail actually exist?' is well worth reading. Although we know that weather is not climate (except when it is) one can't help but see some parallels.

Science corked - Josh 140

Apparently the Doomsday clock has been moved to 5 minutes to midnight, so the story about falsifying the evidence that wine is good for you dubbed Winegate over at WUWT now makes perfect sense.
More Cartoons by Josh here

A Miller's tale - Josh 139

The UK Goverment House of Lords debated the Green Agenda yesterday and spent some time talking about food, although it was not clear why. Perhaps they thought the subject was about 'greens' and eating enough vegetables.

Big science - Josh 138

See Judith Curry's great post about what looks like an interesting new book by David Weinberger Too Big to Know: Rethinking Knowledge Now That the Facts Aren’t the Facts, Experts are Everywhere, and the Smartest Person in the Room is the Room.
Feels like familiar territory.

Futurist - Josh 137

Reading this thread may be required.

2011 - A cartoon review

Need a ready made newsletter for Christmas? Cannot quite remember everything that happened in 2011? Here is a quick Josh roundup.

Helpful notice for the workplace - Josh 136

Following the Norfolk police raid here is a helpful notice for the office, corridor, train, airport, waiting room...

Dark Matter: What's science got to hide?

Billed as the "Data debate: Is transparency bad for science?" the event was held at Imperial College and the speakers were Sir Mark Walport, Director of the Wellcome Trust, George Monbiot, Guardian columnist , Baroness Onora O’Neill and David Colquhoun, UCL. Jo Glanville, Editor of Index on Censorship, chaired the debate. Josh and Richard Drake were in the gathered throng.

New Booker Prize! Josh 134

Gorathon, the poster - Josh 133

Remember Gorathon? Well, now there is a coloured version of all the cartoons which can be printed out as a poster - just in time for Christmas.

Climate Change Act Reconsidered part 3 - Josh 132

More from Committee Room 14. The last of the sketched notes are from the fascinating and stimulating questions and discussion.