The BBC and the chief scientist
Jan 8, 2016
Bishop Hill in BBC, Climate: Surface

Ben Pile highlights a fascinating comment at Guido's blog:

In 2010, I was on a research trip to an area north of Svalbard. We were lucky enough to have a So-Called BBC journalist along for the ride. Unfortunately, my cabin was very close to his which meant that I had to listen to him editing his riveting reports about Climate Changeā„¢ before they were broadcast on BBC Climate Change 24. He'd just interviewed a Danish glaciologist that we had with us who explained a process with the sea ice that was "a negative feedback" (contrary to climate change bollox). I heard Mr X, the journalist, rewind and replay the tape about 5 times before he finally rang the chief scientist for advice because "I'm not sure this is putting out the right message...."

This raises a few questions: is this the government chief scientist that is referred to? And who was the BBC journalist? I'm struggling to find a BBC article about Svalbard around that time.

It would be extraordinary if the BBC was contacting the GCSA for "lines to take".

Update on Jan 8, 2016 by Registered CommenterBishop Hill

A possible candidate seems to be Richard Hollingham.

Update on Jan 8, 2016 by Registered CommenterBishop Hill

Hollingham's show is here. From 13:30 he discusses how sea ice formation can capture CO2 from the atmosphere, reducing AGW. No discussion of what kind of a feedback this might be though - ie does the effect increase or decrease in a warming world.

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