John WebsterHot on the heels of the story about the BBC's accepting paid-for programming (aka propaganda) from environmental groups comes the news that the EU has been paying for programmes too. Chief among these were a piece extolling the virtues of...the European Union, which was faithfully aired by the BBC back in March, and a forthcoming show about climate change entitled Little Yellow Boots. A demo reel for the latter can be seen here.
As these things go it's pretty run of the mill, but fairly nauseating and you may prefer just to cast your eyes over the blurb:
Filmmaker John Webster has become ever more concerned about climate change. Together with his imaginary great-granddaughter he sets out to find a solution that will both cure him of the demons that haunt him, but also help her in the very different world she will inherit from us.
The driving force of the story is one ordinary person’s desire to do something for his future great-grandchildren in a world that he believes will be significantly worse for them. John’s quest is not easy: he has to find something today that will help a person in the future, long after he himself is dead. But who, if anybody has an answer to this quest? Is his quest irrational, bordering on the absurd? Or, in a world seemingly racing towards catastrophic changes in the climate, are his actions the only reasonable thing to do?
Through this character-driven human-interest story we come to understand some of the unexpected and little thought of consequences of climate change, and perhaps give us pause to think about our own lives and the future lives of those around us.
This is a documentary film with humouristic overtones about a fundamental question: what is our responsibility to future generations?
Play it again, John.
Whoops! It seems that the BBC press office has previously denied absolutely that EU funds were used in the making of the programme.
So the BBC lied when it denied The Great European Disaster propaganda film was EU-funded (h/t @roxley @the_tpa)
— Mark Wallace (@wallaceme) August 31, 2015
Interesting. When I described it as swivel-eyed pro-EU propaganda in the Telegraph, the producer complained to IPSO
— Toby Young (@toadmeister) August 31, 2015