Guido has helpfully listed the division of select committee chairmanships between the parties for the new Parliament. The individuals concerned will have to be elected, but it's fair to say it doesn't look good so far.
Energy and Climate Change has been handed to the SNP. This should at least make for good entertainment, given that party's suicidal policies on wind power. I'm not entirely convinced that it bodes well for the future of electricity supplies in the UK.
Science and Technology is to pass to the Conservatives, having been a Labour fiefdom for a while. This could be interesting if they get someone who likes asking awkward questions, but I'm not holding my breath.
Environmental Audit stays with the Labour Party, but let's face it nobody ever listens to anything they say anyway because they only ever take evidence from greens.
I wonder if the SNP will give the chairmanship of the ECC committee to the foul-mouthed twelve-year-old they had elected this time round?
There is some speculation on Twitter that the SNP might pick Angus MP Mike Weir, a proponent of offshore wind power, and therefore a man who presumably thinks that there is a magic money tree out there somewhere.