Bishop Hill

Greens really do go by air

A survey by the website Travelzoo has revealed that greens really do go by air, and bigtime.
Green Party supporters are the most likely to book a long-haul holiday, new research has shown.
As well as being the most likely to jet off to distant shores, Greens are more likely to book a hire car rather than take a taxi. They were also the most likely to pinch the hotel toiletries.
This was reported at the Telegraph, where you can see the full results. Hat tip to John Ferris.
Reader Comments (28)
Greens share a large amount of hypocrisy with the left in general.
Reminds me of that recent story about the heckler with a ukulele shouting "get back to Eton you toff" at Cameron as he was doing his round. The left immediately jump on this story and hail him as a working class hero all over social media.
It later transpired said ukulele player went to an £11,000 a year private school.
Doublethink. They all do it.
So it seems that holiday choices are influenced by social class and limited by disposable wealth.
Political party support is correlated with social class and disposable wealth.
Greens are richer than average. If they were affected by the costs of their policies they would have better policies.
As for hypocrisy? Come on, everyone needs a break now and then.
Saving the planet has to have some perks. We need to fly to these places to check on the damage others do by flying to these places and we are not stealing toiletries, we are re-tasking them.
Greens know that environmentalism is really only about making a gesture, like buying a Tesla.
Well at least they're washing themselves. Unless they're stealing the soap for making candles to sell at WOMAD festivals.
Washing themselves with cold water, I hope.
You are welcome to the soaps and such. Please do not pack up the linens!
This request from a real innkeeper.
Greens share a large amount of hypocrisy with the left in general.
True. I wonder for how much longer the GBP (Great British Public) is going to take the Left seriously. Its strikes me as being so much like the medieval Catholic Church (MCC) that its collapse is the only possible outcome. Perceived venality and hypocrisy destroyed the MCC's claim to godliness, to being the agency of God; likewise greed and hypocrisy fatally undermine all the Left's claims to caring/compassion/social high ground/environment etc etc etc: in the morning the prince bishop preached on chastity and humility, in the afternoon he was caught in bed with half a doz. claret and two tarts; the Left bleat about fair shares for all and weep big tears of compassion but really spend their time junketing and lining their own pockets.
A study shows the Green are hypocritical and there's no comment. A study shows that whales have changed their migration patterns and it's obvious nonsense. Jeepers, don't you have any interest in trying to appear balanced or are you so fixated on climate science being a sham and Greens being hypocritical that you'll say anything at all? It certainly appears that way. In a sense I commend your committment. Sacrificing your credibility for the cause is impressive. Amazed that anyone takes you seriously though.
Re: aTTP
You do know that there is a difference between a paper and a survey?
Oh, really, I would never have guessed. So a survey can't be questioned, but a study can? I didn't realise.
Re: aTTP
When a survey says that 49.34% of Greens surveyed booked a long haul flight, this is empirical data. If the people that performed the survey then tried to claim that this was because there would be 0.1mm extra rain this summer due to climate change then they would be held up to ridicule.
Where do Trolls go for their holidays? The world wonders. To misquote Admiral Nimitz
TerryS, please stop interacting with the troll, to disrupt a thread with this pish is what he wants, and you're obliging him.
Any study, whether on migratory habits of cetacean or whatever, can be looked at on it's merits. The problem arises when the (G)greens try to force measures on us to cut the use of the fossil fuels that give so much bounty. If they spout doom and gloom based on research while showing that they've no intention of making the sacrifices that they expect from everyone else, then they deserve to be ridiculed.
aTTP: for a self-proclaimed scientist, you do seem to have a remarkable inability to see what is on front of your very nose – it was not that study into the migration pattern, changing or otherwise, of the whales that received the derision, it is the utterly absurd conclusion (“It’s all the fault of Mann-made Climate Change©!”). As TerryS points out, you do not seem to know the difference between a paper and a survey. You really must try harder.
aTTP is trolling again, DNFTT. Why engage him when if you tried posting on his blog you would be banned.
There was a study a while back that concluded once greens had satisfied their whatever, they were likely to be more larcenous/dishonest afterwards.
I'll look for the link.
This is why we lose, lack of control.
I wonder how many out of this list of 11,185 attendees to the December 2014 Lima conference walked or cycled there:-
Greenpeace & FoE both sent sizeable parties; AND, helped fund/subsidise other lesser-known groups of attendees.
In the past many working class people led what would now be considered very green lives. However, they grew their own veg, were frugal with energy and travelled little simply because they were poor - it was not a choice. The ultimate irony today, is that to be green you really need to be well off i.e. it is a choice. They have more long haul holidays because simply they are better off on the whole than the rest of the population. That despicably simplistic diatribe on BBC "Escape to the Country", makes my point as you watch people who have made a mint from increasing property values salve their consciences by leading ostensibly "green lives" - what hypocrisy.
Same news few months ago ?.. ah yes a survey of 'green voters" in Germany
- but there was a similar Guardian story 24 September 2008
..and Prince Charles just spent loads having a jumbo jet refitted for a 4 day trip
If Green Luvvies did not travel by air, they would have to waste too much of their valuable time on public transport, in the company of common people. They might consider such an experience of reality, could be damaging, to their carefully cultured delusions.
Why is this a surprise?
I have yet to meet a "green", "socialist" or "liberal" who wasn't an up their own behind hypocrite and/or totally divorced from reality.
Has anyone ever managed to extract from Attp if it was 100% off the grid and didnt use a car.? sounds..there is a reason for that.
Went to a house recently.
There were two cars in the driveway.... and a photo of Al Gore on wall.
The male of the house was an Al gore trained $CAGW$ zombie who had actually attended the Al Gore $CAGW$ zombie classes in Melbourne.
I mentioned the problem was the cost of alternative energy like solar etc.
Zombie "but solar is competitive.."
Me "Is this house solar and off the grid"
$CAGW$ zombie "no".
Boy was I surprised../sarc
Not one of the $CAGW$ zombies I have spoken to over the last 15 years..had forsaken cars and was 100% off the grid..not one..and none were even self aware enough to see any irony..that`s what really scares me..
There is no doubt that the English are the world's very best at deft satire and irony
I've often wondered why this is so, and came to the tentative conclusion that it may be because they have so much to practise on - a provisional conclusion, one might say
Now along comes Ken Rice (Bubbles), or aTTP, with his supercilious twerpness to demonstrate the aptness of this
The hubris of Noble Cause corruption allows unfathomed depths of hypocrisy as a necessary step in saving the planet
..and Prince Charles just spent loads having a jumbo jet refitted for a 4 day trip
Apr 16, 2015 at 2:11 PM | stewgreen
If you read the article yourself you'd see that he rented the aircraft for the trip and that the leasing company had been the ones who'd undertaken the refit. As to who paid for the charter or how the price compared to scheduled flights I've no idea. Safe to say though that the CO₂ emissions would have been more than I've chucked out in the last ten years.