It's fun to watch the tiff that has developed between uber-upholder of the climate consensus Chris Mooney and the New York Times' Andy Revkin. Mooney has written a piece highlighting the growing use in the New York Times climate coverage of what is described (by the headline writer at least) as "weasel words". This is what you and I, gentle reader, would call "statements of uncertainty". Mooney's article was prompted by a study by one of Max Boykoff's students, which find that the New York Times, alone among US newspapers, is now using such terminology much more often and much more so than Spanish newspapers.
In response, Revkin has described Mooney's take as "spin" and wonders why he would prefer the nuances of American journalism to the certainties that apparently dominate Spanish coverage. Mooney of course is a political campaigner and wants public support for his policy preferences, so public understanding of uncertainties is not really going to help his cause. So as long as people like Revkin occasionally lard their articles with expressions of doubt, the Mooneys of this world are going to try to get them to stop.