What the public needs to know about GCMs
May 7, 2014
Bishop Hill in Climate: Models

Anthony has a completely brilliant comment from Robert Brown about the ensemble of climate models and the truth about them that is never explained to the public:

...until the people doing “statistics” on the output of the GCMs come to their senses and stop treating each GCM as if it is an independent and identically distributed sample drawn from a distribution of perfectly written GCM codes plus unknown but unbiased internal errors — which is precisely what AR5 does, as is explicitly acknowledged in section 9.2 in precisely two paragraphs hidden neatly in the middle that more or less add up to “all of the `confidence’ given the estimates listed at the beginning of chapter 9 is basically human opinion bullshit, not something that can be backed up by any sort of axiomatically correct statistical analysis” — the public will be safely protected from any “dangerous” knowledge of the ongoing failure of the GCMs to actually predict or hindcast anything at all particularly accurately outside of the reference interval.

Article originally appeared on (http://www.bishop-hill.net/).
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