Michael Mann thinks Richard Lindzen, Matt Ridley, Steve McIntyre, Ross McKitrick, Richard Tol, Roy Spencer, John Christy, Judith Curry, Richard Muller, the Koch brothers, Ken Cuccinelli, Mark Steyn, Rand Simberg, Nate Silver, David Rose, Marc Morano, Christopher Booker and Anthony Watts are poo heads. He also thinks that Fox News, the Mail on Sunday, the Telegraph, the National Review, the GWPF, and the Heartland Institute are a bunch of poo heads.
I don't think he's keen on me either.
In his latest article in the Huffington Post we learn, among other things, that he thinks that Mike Hulme and Lennart Bengtsson are poo heads too.
Wouldn't it be easier if he wrote his article like this?
Hulme and Bengtsson too.