Tol tiff
Apr 19, 2014
Bishop Hill in Climate: WG2

Brandon Shollenberger and Richard Tol are having an interesting tiff over some late changes to Tol's chapter of the Working Group II report. Shollenberger accuses Tol of promoting his own work and of changing the tenor of the chapter after the final review had taken place.

On Twitter, Tol says that Shollenberger has it all wrong:

the SOD figure has 7 studies (Tol 1/7), the FGD one has 18 (Tol 2/18): 1/9 < 1/7

that's not true: section was changed in response to comments and extensively re-reviewed after.

This should all make for a pretty good dust-up in coming days. If nothing else it suggests that despite the Interacademy Council's review of the IPCC's procedures, the way Pachauri et al go about their work is still wide open to criticism.


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