Bishop Hill

The view from Number 10

Paul Homewood has had a hilarious response to his inquiry about what evidence David Cameron was using to support his view that we are "seeing more abnormal weather events".
Downing Street has replied to his FOI request:
"the quote...makes clear that this is a visual observation - "we are seeing".
Yours sincerely
In other words Cameron looked out of the window.
Face, palm.
Reader Comments (38)
Taking the visual observation approach, is it fair to say that we are seeing more abnormal weather because we are looking for more?
I'm very much afraid that's how government works these days. It's run by a bunch of incompetents.
"In other words Cameron looked out of the window." Far more accurate than anything Dame Julia has produced lately.
We are screwed.
"I very much suspect that it is." Is directly contrary to the findings of the IPCC. Perhaps George told him not to believe everything they say:)
That's why he is known as the CaMORON.
Can someone explain to me why the media/politicians/lobby-groups-pretending-to-be-charities talk about 'climate change' as though it was - er - NEW..?
A missive from The "All-seeing Eye"!
Divine providence?
Seeing is believing...
Well done Paul Homewood.
This all reminds me of one of the 'cleaner' jokes from that paragon of good taste, Cornish comedian Jethro...
'Two Cornish brothers, one with one really good eye, and one with a really good ear, got jobs on a trawler. A few hours out of Newlyn, the one with the really good eye shouted:
"Chinese junk off the port bow..!"
"How far..?" said the skipper..
"Four thousand miles..!"
"How d'you know its Chinese..?"
"Me brother 'eard 'em talkin'..."...'
His Missus told him.
Mean while over at Jonova's place
Warren Buffett: “So far the effects of climate change, if any, have not affected… the insurance market.
This proves beyond doubt that we are dealing with an anti-intellectual, incapable of looking objectively at the World.
The idea that climate alarmists have not impacted the insurance market is correct in terms of losses, incorrect in terms of higher rates and record profits.
Global Warming - not occurring 'cos Cameron can't 'see it'!
Can someone explain to me why the media/politicians/lobby-groups-pretending-to-be-charities talk about 'climate change' as though it was - er - NEW..?
Mar 5, 2014 at 12:50 PM | Sherlock1
Sadly because of some mythical Utopia where the climate is unchanging, not a tree gets felled and not a single species goes extinct.
Stick them on a desert island for 6 months and then ask them which century they want to live in.
It must have been when they let him out on that day trip to Somerset.
"Today, I 'ave mostly been seein' floods!"
(With apologies to The Fast Show.)
Dave and Christiana Figueres are in agreement:
So he's now using the royal "We"?
Yet another reason to be thankful I now live in Australia.
Sam told him.
Breath Of Fresh...
Could it be that the politicians know that AGW is a crock, but they think the public are still in the thrall of green ideology?
The scientific evidence is obvious to all, except those suffering from cognitive dissonance, EVEN politicians.
Politicians though have the problem of getting re-elected.
The 'special advisers' will eventually be dumped in the sad scramble for the life boats when another party, 'whose name should not be spoken' ( hint: begins with U and ends with P), and who laugh at AGW, begin to have a real impact in May.
a visual observation my aunt fanny.
next he'll be telling us we are seeing more transparency
how does that work then ?
Panic over, I've just looked out of the window and all is fine.
well I thought it was quite a funny response. Compared to most people on here, I must be easily pleased
It seems to me that a daft FOI request about someone's off-the-cuff opinion deserved a daft answer.
The "someone" is the Prime Minister, the venue was PMQ.
Is that normally considered as an "off-the-cuff" context?
Hmmm. So even after all the billions spent on climate science, policy still comes down to the PM feeling that the weather has been a bit funny lately.
Bloke in Central Illinois,
Give him his due - he's doing something much more scientific than the modellers if he is actually looking out of his window.
Yes Obama looks out of his window and sees acres of Snow and freezing temperatures and still says the planet is warming. LOL
Then we have his Gore effect to consider, he mentions the California drought and "presto" it has rained and rained, you couldn't make it up.
We obviously don't need the Met Office anymore then. Maybe Dave could coach them how to look out the window.
A poll in several of today's newspapers refered to Cameron as posh and out of touch, Mililband as weak and an idiot and Clegg as spineless and a liar. God help us. Given Cameron's comments on the extreme weather and its link to climate change I would change posh to lazy and useless, then we truly have a full house of correct descriptions of our "leaders".
And then there is the view from Warren Buffet's window
How many MPs were looking out of the window when they passed the Climate Change Act in 2008? If they had done so they might have noticed a thing of the past for the first time in October since 1922.
Snow blankets London for Global Warming debate: How Parliament passed the Climate Bill
Maybe Number 10 is implying the Prime Minster is delusional, and therefore should resign immediately?
Mar 5, 2014 at 8:36 PM | Unregistered Commenterclimatebeagle.
Being delusional is almost part of the job spec for the modern PM. Just look at Cameron's predecessor.
Now an article on the BBC's website (bless) suggests that the markets are VERY NAUGHTY to 'big up' those companies with large coal/oil/gas reserves, because we're going to have to leave it in the ground..
Presumably that also applies to iron ore which, turned into steel could make wind turbine towers...
...also no more plastics from oil to make tents for protesters...
..and china clay to make paper for banners...
I could go on - but luckily for you I'm not going to - but do feel free to join in...
steveta_uk - 'It seems to me that a daft FOI request about someone's off-the-cuff opinion deserved a daft answer.'
It's possible that dealing solely in what 'seems' to folk who see what they want to and no more, is afflicting the entire politico-media estate, not in a good way, as that 'off the cuff' opinion pretty soon got propelled to some editorial in certain media (such as the BBC) that was low on it's usual 'analysis' of what it all meant and high on 'wot 'e sed' as the topic was found agreeable to those framing the narrative.
It would be interesting how many of the country found themselves informed more by the national broadcast monopoly's 'reporting' of the country's leadership's evidently less than considered view on matters climatic, and less by the honking great 'whoops' elicited by a niche blogger asking a simple, pertinent question. A bit like 28Gate.
Science-based policy from PPE and PR idiots is bad enough, but on the hoof with a 'don't care, so there, up yours' by way of answering to account seems a dubious way to run a country, other than to the dogs.