As readers may have gathered, I have been a bit preoccupied in recent days, mainly with helping GWPF on this that and the other. I think things are now going to ease off a bit, so I can devote a bit more time to blogging.
One project that has been keeping me busy was helping with the report by Nic Lewis and Marcel Crok on climate sensitivity. Marcel tweeted about this earlier today:
Nic Lewis and I will present our GWPF report "A Sensitive Matter: How the IPCC buried evidence showing good news about global warming" on Thursday March 6 in press centre Nieuwspoort (The Hague, The Netherlands). Lewis and I will both give a presentation. There are still tickets available. The meeting starts at 10 am (Dutch time). To register send an email to
Two versions of the report (long and short one) can be downloaded on Thursday from the GWPF website.
The short version one is directed at the layman while the full long one is for more technically minded readers. They should help to provide James Painter with the answers to the questions he posed the other day. There's also a Dutch language version coming.
There are quite a few other things on the go, and which are keeping me very busy. These will appear over the next few days, weeks and months.