The weather is still coming thick and fast, as it tends to do at this time of year. The storms in the south-west have been providing the wow factor for lots of TV viewers and the scientific establishment have been thick on the ground trying to reap what benefits they can from the chaos.
Lord Krebs, the zoologist who sits on the adapatation subcommittee of the Climate Change Committee, was on the Today programme yesterday (audio below) telling us that:
"What we are experiencing now in terms of flooding and extreme weather is likely to become more common in the future due to climate change".
The conversation moved onto what should be done, with Lord Krebs clearly much exercised by what "we" should do. He is clearly a man who has much faith in bureaucratic action, and from my admitted jaundiced point of view it came over as an extended demand for lots more public spending. In his defence, he did at least recognise that there was a role for individual action too - a radical view for the BBC to be putting out.