There is lots of fun to be had with Seumas Milne's bile-filled rant in the Guardian today. This appears to be part of the campaign of vilification that those nice people at Greenpeace launched against Owen Paterson as soon as he was admitted to hospital for emergency eye surgery and unable to respond.
Count the misconception, mispresentation and misinformation in this sentence for example:
The basic physics may be unanswerable, 97% of climate scientists agree that carbon emissions are dangerously heating up the planet, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warn it's 95% likely that most of the temperature rise since 1950 is due to greenhouse gases and deforestation, the risk of a global temperature rise tipping above 1.5–2C be catastrophic for humanity.
Milne even cites Slingo's attribution of the floods to climate change two days after the Met Office distanced themselves from her.
He has the most astonishing hit rate. How does he do it?