Bob misrepresents the science again
Nov 27, 2014
Bishop Hill in Climate: WG2, Climate: Ward

Bob Ward's interview with Conor Gearty is fun, with the film-noir style making Bob look even stranger than normal. His views are amusing too, having only the loosest connections with the science. Take this bit on the 2-degree target.

This is straight from the science...we've seen from the evidence that if we go above global warming of more than 2 degrees we will be facing very severe risks that the world has not seen for millions of years...

As an actual climatologist explained at BH once:

Most climate scientists* do not subscribe to the 2 degrees "Dangerous Climate Change" meme.

And then there's this on the impact of climate change here in the UK:

We can already start to see the impacts of climate change in the UK...more flooding, more droughts, more heatwaves. They are things that are going to get worse. We are already starting to increase.

The trends in drought in the UK is downwards. Any increase in flooding is due to increased exposure rather than flood. I'm not aware of any studies on UK heatwaves.

Bit of an embarrassment really.

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