Having a laugh
Jan 14, 2014
Bishop Hill in Energy: gas, Greens

Readers may remember my post about ecoactivists discussing the firing of a flare at a police helicopter. The conversation on the Indymedia website is still ongoing, but it looks to me as if there is a bit of spoofing going on now.

If you recall, I noted the thread at the point at which Rachel Thompson, the group's spokesman, asked everyone on the thread to stop dicussing the firing of the flare. Since that time we've had a notice from an administrator saying that "Rachel" was a troll pretending to be Rachel Thompson and now the following:

Rachel Thompson has been doing inspiring and dedicated work as the press liasion person for for the Frack Free Manchester campaign but following a period of intense stress has decided following a meeting yesterday evening to step down from the role.

We wish her and partner the very best of luck for the future as they have decided to take a step back from the campaign and spend some time at a Vegan contemplative retreat in France to re-energise.

This looks like someone having a laugh to me, although in fairness it's sometimes hard to say with people like this.

Article originally appeared on (http://www.bishop-hill.net/).
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