Ed Davey has just issued the triennial report into the performance of the Committee on Climate Change.
"Conflict of interest" might be expected to be an important issue in the report. However in terms of the conducts of the current members we learn only that the committee has been compliant with the "specified conduct and behaviour requirements". One can only assume that avoidance of conflicts of interest has not actually been specified. That said among the recommendations are the suggestion that the committee's register of interests, previously only available on request, be published on their website.
Interestingly, the report also recommends that
The CCC draft its own rules relating to the future employment of members of the body to ensure that the specific needs of the CCC and its role are reflected
Which should ensure quite nicely that the committee continues to work for the environmental movement rather than the public at large.
The conclusions of the report are that the committee is just fine and dandy, which is perhaps not surprising given the list of organisations invited to comment on the committee's performance. This largely consists of the greener bits of the bureaucracy, green NGOs and green businesses. Strangely, GWPF were not invited to take part.
So, a charade then.