You reap what you sow
Jan 1, 2014
Bishop Hill in Energy: wind, Greens

Andrew Motion has quietly been composing five sonnets about climate change, which will be set to music by Sir Peter Maxwell Davies, the Master of the Queen's Music..."To me, climate change is so bleeding obvious. Anyone who thinks it's not happening should get outside more. It's such an appalling, huge, unapproachable subject...I've written a lament about it which has the air of a call to arms. Each sonnet tells a little story."

The Telegraph, May 2009

Wind farms have 'industrialised' the countryside, Sir Andrew Motion says. The president of the Campaign to Protect Rural England and former Poet Laureate condemns politicians' "gung-ho" emphasis on growth at the expense of natural landscape.

The Telegraph, January 2014

When the state acts the perverse incentives of the bureaucrats and the corruption of those that surround the government machine will be brought into play. So when Andrew Motion issued his call to arms he was effectively accepting that these forces would be unleashed.

He was playing with fire and now he must accept the part he played in the rape of the British landscape.

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