What's in the papers?
Sep 30, 2013
Bishop Hill in Climate: Parliament, Energy: grid

A couple of excellent pieces in the morning papers. Both fall into the category of "not news to BH readers", but they are great none the less.

In the Mail, Peter Atherton sets out his despair at the energy policies of the government and opposition

Labour’s price freeze idea is bad for investment, bad for security of supply, and bad for consumers. But if it forces the political class in this country to wake up and tackle the reasons why costs are actually rising then some good may come of it.

Meanwhile, in City AM, Peter Lilley examines what the IPCC and the political class didn't say about the global climate last week:

...Miliband, who was environment secretary when the Climate Change Act committed future governments to replace fossil fuels by renewables costing two or three times as much, promises to freeze energy prices. The fact that even he didn't mention his Act, which is incompatible with his pledge, shows it is politically indefensible.

Article originally appeared on (http://www.bishop-hill.net/).
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