Slingo writes to Lewis
Sep 29, 2013
Bishop Hill in Climate: MetOffice, Climate: WG3

There has been another exchange in the flow of correspondence between Julia Slingo and Nic Lewis. Slingo wrote to Lewis at the end of last week, her letter not addressing the points made in Lewis's rebuttal last week, but instead moving the discussion onto the observationally constrained estimates of climate sensitivity.

As a physicist who has worked extensively on using observations to understand climate processes and natural climate variability, and subsequently to model them, I would like to understand in more detail how you estimate equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) and aerosol radiative forcing from the observational base.

Nic seems to have responded positively.

I'm sure it's all very welcome to have an exchange of views on the observationally constrained studies, but there's a fairly large elephant in the room. Since both sides seem to agree that the the UKCP09 climate projections are flawed and there seems little doubt that they are being used to inform major investment decisions, is it not incumbent for the Met Office to withdraw them post-haste?

If the Met Office were to remain silent while public funds were being wasted, that would be a considerable scandal I would say.




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