Long-term trends in sea ice
Sep 12, 2013
Bishop Hill in Climate: Surface

The BBC has a big article reporting a new low in Arctic sea ice last winter, based on volume measurements from the European Cryosat programme.

Prof Andy Shepherd, from Leeds University, said: "Now that we have three years of data, we can see that some parts of the ice pack have thinned more rapidly than others. At the end of winter, the ice was thinner than usual. Although this summer's extent will not get near its all-time satellite-era minimum set last year, the very thin winter floes going into the melt season could mean that the summer volume still gets very close to its record low," he told BBC News.

I'm not sure talk of record lows can be seen as anything other than propaganda, for a data series that is so short.

Article originally appeared on (http://www.bishop-hill.net/).
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