I was just on Radio 5 to talk about the Guardian's "polar bear dies of climate change" article. I was up against Greenpeace's John Sauven. I think I was better read on the subject than he was.
I liked this tweet from 4d2b
Easy victory for @aDissentient over Greenpeace spox re polar bears on @bbc5live just now.
and this one from Barry Woods:
AM: I read the report it says computer models. - greenpeace: andrew should read the report, AM: I said I read the report!!
There are a couple of points I should probably follow up on. The bear was found 150 miles from where they have seen it in previous years and the Guardian says this represents "an unusual movement away from its normal range". However, given that polar bears normally range over hundreds of miles, this doesn't quite seem to stack up.
I'll try to upload the audio when it's available.
The audio file is here.