A reader sent me some correspondence he had received from the Met Office. He had been enquiring about what evidence Prof Slingo et al had of the validity of the output of GCMs, and received in return the following bibliography:
Airey MJ, Hulme M, Johns TC (1996) Evaluation of simulations of terrestrial precipitation in UK Met Office/Hadley Centre climate change experiments. Geophysical Research Letters 23:1657-1660
Allan RP, Ramaswamy V, Slingo A (2002) Diagnostic analysis of atmospheric moisture and clear-sky radiative feedback in the Hadley Centre and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) climate models. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 107:7
Allan RP, Ringer MA, Slingo A (2003) Evaluation of moisture in the Hadley Centre climate model using simulations of HIRS water-vapour channel radiances. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 129:3371-3389
Arritt RW, Goering DC, Anderson CJ (2000) The North American monsoon system in the Hadley Centre coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM. Geophysical Research Letters 27:565-568
Bellouin N, Jones A, Haywood J, Christopher SA (2008) Updated estimate of aerosol direct radiative forcing from satellite observations and comparison against the Hadley Centre climate model. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 113:15
Bodas-Salcedo A, Ringer MA, Jones A (2008) Evaluation of the surface radiation budget in the atmospheric component of the Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model (HadGEM1). Journal of Climate 21:4723-4748
Collins M (2000) The El Nino-Southern Oscillation in the second Hadley Centre coupled model and its response to greenhouse warming. Journal of Climate 13:1299-1312
Collins M, Tett SFB, Cooper C (2001) The internal climate variability of HadCM3, a version of the Hadley Centre coupled model without flux adjustments. Climate Dynamics 17:61-81
Collins WJ, Bellouin N, Doutriaux-Boucher M, Gedney N, Halloran P, Hinton T, Hughes J, Jones CD, Joshi M, Liddicoat S, Martin G, O'Connor F, Rae J, Senior C, Sitch S, Totterdell I, Wiltshire A, Woodward S (2011) Development and evaluation of an Earth-System model-HadGEM2. Geoscientific Model Development 4:1051-1075
Cooper C, Gordon C (2002) North Atlantic oceanic decadal variability in the Hadley Centre coupled model. Journal of Climate 15:45-72
Corte-Real J, Qian B, Xu H (1999) Circulation patterns, daily precipitation in Portugal and implications for climate change simulated by the second Hadley Centre GCM. Climate Dynamics 15:921-935
Cusack S, Slingo A, Edwards JM, Wild M (1998) The radiative impact of a simple aerosol climatology on the Hadley Centre atmospheric GCM. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 124:2517-2526
Gordon C, Cooper C, Senior CA, Banks H, Gregory JM, Johns TC, Mitchell JFB, Wood RA (2000) The simulation of SST, sea ice extents and ocean heat transports in a version of the Hadley Centre coupled model without flux adjustments. Climate Dynamics 16:147-168
Hardiman SC, Butchart N, Osprey SM, Gray LJ, Bushell AC, Hinton TJ (2010) The Climatology of the Middle Atmosphere in a Vertically Extended Version of the Met Office's Climate Model. Part I: Mean State. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 67:1509-1525
Hewitt HT, Copsey D, Culverwell ID, Harris CM, Hill RSR, Keen AB, McLaren AJ, Hunke EC (2010) Design and implementation of the infrastructure of HadGEM3: the next-generation Met Office climate modelling system. Geoscientific Model Development 3:1861-1937
Hewitt HT, Copsey D, Culverwell ID, Harris CM, Hill RSR, Keen AB, McLaren AJ, Hunke EC (2011) Design and implementation of the infrastructure of HadGEM3: the next-generation Met Office climate modelling system. Geoscientific Model Development 4:223-253
Inness PM, Gregory D (1997) Aspects of the intraseasonal oscillation simulated by the Hadley Centre Atmosphere Model. Climate Dynamics 13:441-458
James PM (2006) An assessment of European synoptic variability in Hadley Centre Global Environmental models based on an objective classification of weather regimes. Climate Dynamics 27:215-231
Johns TC, Durman CF, Banks HT, Roberts MJ, McLaren AJ, Ridley JK, Senior CA, Williams KD, Jones A, Rickard GJ, Cusack S, Ingram WJ, Crucifix M, Sexton DMH, Joshi MM, Dong BW, Spencer H, Hill RSR, Gregory JM, Keen AB, Pardaens AK, Lowe JA, Bodas-Salcedo A, Stark S, Searl Y (2006) The new Hadley Centre Climate Model (HadGEM1): Evaluation of coupled simulations. Journal of Climate 19:1327-1353
Jones PD, Hulme M, Briffa KR, Jones CG, Mitchell JFB, Murphy JM (1996) Summer moisture availability over Europe in the Hadley Centre general circulation model based on the Palmer Drought Severity Index. International Journal of Climatology 16:155-172
Joshi MM, Webb MJ, Maycock AC, Collins M (2010) Stratospheric water vapour and high climate sensitivity in a version of the HadSM3 climate model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10:7161-7167
Martin GM, Bellouin N, Collins WJ, Culverwell ID, Halloran PR, Hardiman SC, Hinton TJ, Jones CD, McDonald RE, McLaren AJ, O'Connor FM, Roberts MJ, Rodriguez JM, Woodward S, Best MJ, Brooks ME, Brown AR, Butchart N, Dearden C, Derbyshire SH, Dharssi I, Doutriaux-Boucher M, Edwards JM, Falloon PD, Gedney N, Gray LJ, Hewitt HT, Hobson M, Huddleston MR, Hughes J, Ineson S, Ingram WJ, James PM, Johns TC, Johnson CE, Jones A, Jones CP, Joshi MM, Keen AB, Liddicoat S, Lock AP, Maidens AV, Manners JC, Milton SF, Rae JGL, Ridley JK, Sellar A, Senior CA, Totterdell IJ, Verhoef A, Vidale PL, Wiltshire A, Had GEMDT (2011) The HadGEM2 family of Met Office Unified Model climate configurations. Geoscientific Model Development 4:723-757
Martin GM, Ringer MA, Pope VD, Jones A, Dearden C, Hinton TJ (2006) The physical properties of the atmosphere in the new Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model (HadGEM1). Part I: Model description and global climatology. Journal of Climate 19:1274-1301
Osprey SM, Gray LJ, Hardiman SC, Butchart N, Bushell AC, Hinton TJ (2010) The Climatology of the Middle Atmosphere in a Vertically Extended Version of the Met Office's Climate Model Part II: Variability. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 67:3637-3651
Pope VD, Gallani ML, Rowntree PR, Stratton RA (2000) The impact of new physical parametrizations in the Hadley Centre climate model: HadAM3. Climate Dynamics 16:123-146
Pope VD, Pamment JA, Jackson DR, Slingo A (2001) The representation of water vapor and its dependence on vertical resolution in the Hadley Centre Climate Model. Journal of Climate 14:3065-3085
Ringer MA, Martin GM, Greeves CZ, Hinton TJ, James PM, Pope VD, Scaife AA, Stratton RA, Inness PM, Slingo JM, Yang GY (2006) The physical properties of the atmosphere in the new Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model (HadGEM1). Part II: Aspects of variability and regional climate. Journal of Climate 19:1302-1326
Slingo A, Pamment JA, Allan RP, Wilson PS (2000) Water vapor feedbacks in the ECMWF reanalyses and Hadley Centre climate model. Journal of Climate 13:3080-3098
Spencer H, Sutton RT, Slingo JM, Roberts M, Black E (2005) Indian Ocean climate and dipole variability in Hadley Centre coupled GCMs. Journal of Climate 18:2286-2307
Stratton RA (1999) A high resolution AMIP integration using the Hadley Centre model HadAM2b. Climate Dynamics 15:9-28
Turner J, Connolley WM, Lachlan-Cope TA, Marshall GJ (2006) The performance of the Hadley Centre climate model (HADCM3) in high southern latitudes. International Journal of Climatology 26:91-112
Walters DN, Best MJ, Bushell AC, Copsey D, Edwards JM, Falloon PD, Harris CM, Lock AP, Manners JC, Morcrette CJ, Roberts MJ, Stratton RA, Webster S, Wilkinson JM, Willett MR, Boutle IA, Earnshaw PD, Hill PG, MacLachlan C, Martin GM, Moufouma-Okia W, Palmer MD, Petch JC, Rooney GG, Scaife AA, Williams KD (2011) The Met Office Unified Model Global Atmosphere 3.0/3.1 and JULES Global Land 3.0/3.1 configurations. Geoscientific Model Development 4:919-941
Wang KY, Shallcross DE (2005) Simulation of the Taiwan climate using the Hadley Centre PRECIS regional climate modeling system: The 1979-1981 results. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 16:1017-1043
Webb M, Senior C, Bony S, Morcrette JJ (2001) Combining ERBE and ISCCP data to assess clouds in the Hadley Centre, ECMWF and LMD atmospheric climate models. Climate Dynamics 17:905-922
Woodward S (2001) Modeling the atmospheric life cycle and radiative impact of mineral dust in the Hadley Centre climate model. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 106:18155-18166
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