Pielke Sr and the decline of the AGU
Aug 24, 2013
Bishop Hill in Climate: Sceptics

The corruption and decay of the great scientific institutions is a theme that BH returns to from time to time. Many are now little more than vehicles for the political campaigns of their administrators, with Soviet-style elections ensuring they remain under the control of unrepresentative cliques.

The latest manifestation of this corruption is the American Geophysical Union. As Pielke Sr explains at WUWT, this once-great learned society is now so depraved that it feels no qualms at suppressing dissenting views in its journal, EOS. As Pielke puts it,

This AGU venue of publication has now become more of an advocate for particular perspectives than a venue to advance our knowledge of science issues. While in this case, it is dealing with climate science, the issue actually goes to the core of any controversy within any subject areas that are represented by the American Geophysical Union.

Article originally appeared on (http://www.bishop-hill.net/).
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