Damian Kahya at Greenpeace has another Greenpeace-style article about fracking.
It's not shale gas, it's not conventional oil - it's shale oil they are looking for.
Cuadrilla is looking for shale oil in Balcombe and the South East, not conventional oil supplies - meaning it’s likely to have to frack there for any reserves it finds, according to papers filed by the company.
This contradicts suggestions in papers such as the Sun that the Balcombe site is not linked to the row over fracking.
If you follow the link he gives you find the first sentence of the Cuadrilla papers reads as follows.
Balcombe-2 in PEDL-244 is planned as essentially a re-evaluation of the upper section of the Balcombe-1well, drilled some 10m away on the same site in 1986. Balcombe-1 was drilled to a total depth of 5560ft into the Upper Lias, and was plugged and abandoned. The plan now is to drill a vertical pilot hole termed ‘Balcombe-2' followed by a planned sidetrack to horizontal for non-hydraulically fractured completion and production testing.
Looks like the Sun got it right then.