Cuadrilla commissioned Poyry to carry out an analysis on the impact of shale gas on bills. It found that European shale gas (including gas outside the UK) could moderate bills by 2-4%, compared to where they would otherwise be. As a Cuadrilla spokesperson put it, the research showed the impact of UK shale appeared ‘basically insignificant’.
From 2021, gas prices are between 2% and 4% lower if Lancashire shale gas production proceeds as projected.
From the Poyry report cited by Damian Kahya.
Perhaps I'm missing something.
Damian Kahya's post has now been updated. He has heard from Poyry and the 2-4% figure is for worldwide shale, including Lancashire, but based on the estimates of Lancashire shale as at summer 2012. I guess this means prior to the new BGS estimates of the size of the Bowland resource. I'm slightly bemused why it would be worldwide shale.