Yeo stushie
Jun 9, 2013
Bishop Hill in Climate: Parliament

The big news this morning is that BH favourite Tim Yeo has been caught up in a lobbying scandal. He appears to have offered to become an advocate for a private company for a fee of £7000 per day.

The Sunday Times broke the story, having covertly filmed Yeo making the offer.  Details can be gleaned from Guido Fawkes blog here and from the Conservative Home blog here.

While it looks as though Yeo is going to fight the allegations, claiming without a hint of irony that he was on the point of writing to the company to tell them that he was uncomfortable working on the basis they'd discussed, the general vibe among the Westminster insiders seems to be that Yeo is toast.

I can remember being aghast when Yeo became chairman of the ECC committee, Cameron having whipped his backbenchers into supporting the sleaze-meister, no doubt having calculated that having a deep green like Yeo in that position would win him some plaudits among what James Delingpole calls the yoghurt-weaving classes.

That Cameron was willing to overlook Yeo's murky past and ongoing conflicts of interest is quite an indictment.

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