The Science and Technology Committee has announced a new panel of witnesses for its inquiry into the public understanding of climate science. After hearing from a Marxist think-tank and an ex-Marxist public relations wonk later today, they will also take evidence from some scientivists and some plain activists next week. If the web page is to be believed they are going to do this session at the Science Museum rather than in Parliament.
Climate: Public understanding and policy implications 9:05 am; Science Museum
Witnesses: Professor Nick Pidgeon, Understanding Risk Research Group, Cardiff University, Professor Chris Rapley, Communicating Climate Science Policy Commission, UCL and Dr Alex Burch, Director of Learning, Science Museum Group; Professor John Womersley, Chief Executive, Science and Technology Facilities Council, and Champion for RCUK Public Engagement with Research, Professor Tim Palmer, Vice President, Royal Meteorological Society and Professor Rowan Sutton, Director of Climate Research, National Centre for Atmospheric Science