Write in haste, repent at leisure
May 16, 2013
Bishop Hill in Climate: Parliament, Energy: gas

When the PM received a briefing on shale, Cuadrilla was excluded.

Peter Lilley in the Spectator last week

...bizarrely, [Lilley] claims that Cuadrilla were excluded from an inquiry on shale gas conducted by the select committee of which he is a member.

Will Straw, letter to the Spectator today

The reason Will Straw has gone astray is that Lilley's next sentence was "The select committee instead had to listen to an array of bodies from the Committee on Climate Change to the WWF". You can see how confusion would arise. But I think Straw can be taken to task for firing off a letter without checking his facts.

Update on May 16, 2013 by Registered CommenterBishop Hill

Anybody notice the other letter about Lilley's article? Here's Lilley:

...state bodies are egged on by powerful environmental NGOs, which are heavily financed by the EU (WWF receives €600,000 and Friends of the Earth Europe €1.2 million) and our government (we pay WWF £4.1 million) to create the semblance of popular support.

and here's David Nussbaum of WWF:

Peter Lilley is incorrect when he implies in his recent article that WWF-UK receives funding from the UK government for public lobbying

 Also hugely amusing that Nussbaum would claim that the LSE isn't in the pay of big green. Grantham Institute, anyone?


Article originally appeared on (http://www.bishop-hill.net/).
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