H/T to Rob Wilson for pointing us to Thin Ice, a documentary movie about climate scientists.
The aim from the outset was to give people from all walks of the life the chance to see the astonishing range of human activity as well as scientific endeavour that is required to help us understand our changing climate. Our idea was then we would all be better able to decide both individually and collectively how we might deal with it.
There's a website here, where you can pay a modest sum to watch the movie. The trailer is below:
I'm reminded of Mike Hulme's recent observation - the subject of a recent thread at Judith Curry's blog - that the IPCC's bid for consensus is actually undermining its authority since nobody believes that there is really a consensus. The public wants to know about the cases of the various naysayers too. Refusing to to present that dissenting case does not persuade people that the mainstream case is correct, but quite the opposite: people come away thinking that something is being kept from them. Doubt is created.
We should perhaps refer to the IPCC as the "merchants of doubt".
I'm sure this movie is very interesting and very well put together, and I am interested enough to watch it when I have time, but I wonder if this is what the public - the jury in the court of public opinion - is looking for. They have heard the case for the prosecution again and again and again. But quite rightly, they will not pronounce their verdict until the case for the defence is presented.