Green dad twit
Mar 4, 2013
Bishop Hill in BBC, Greens

Greendadtwit is the nom-de-tweet of Jason Rose, the "Head of Media" for the Scottish Green Party in Holyrood. (Presumably he is the PR person rather than actually head of anything, but that's another story).

I recently came upon a tweet he sent after my appearance on the BBC newsdrive show - readers may recall I had an interesting exchange of views with the interviewer over what he saw as my status as a "denier". Anyway, despite my having explained that I am not denying anything, including mankind's influence on the climate, Mr Rose had this to say.

13,950 peer reviewed climate reports and . gives airtime to Montford the Denier to witter on. Poor show.

It's not only the dishonesty and misrepresentation that one notices. It's also the attempt to prevent dissenting views appearing at all.

I wonder when Newsdrive will call again.


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