More corruption at DECC
Feb 6, 2013
Bishop Hill in Climate: Parliament, Energy: wind

Guido reports that Charles Hendry, the former Energy Minister, has got a new job.

[Hendry has] just been announced as the chairman of the wind energy giants Forewind. The consortium comprising of four international companies -Scottish and Southern, RWE, Statoil and Statkraf – was awarded the contract in 2010 to build the huge “Dogger Bank” windfarm 125km off the Yorkshire coast.

Yeo, Deben, Hendry. There is no end to it.

Update on Feb 6, 2013 by Registered CommenterBishop Hill

And Huhne too. As the Mail reminds us, Huhne is a paid consultant to Nationwide Energy Services.

Update on Feb 6, 2013 by Registered CommenterBishop Hill

In the comments, we are reminded that the last chairman of Forewind was Lord Deben.

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