Nurse left licking wounds
Feb 27, 2013
Bishop Hill in GWPF, Royal Society

Nigel Lawson has responded to Paul Nurse's wild accusations of cherrypicking, accusing the Royal Society president of lying:

You claim that I “would choose two points and say ‘look, no warming’s taking place’, knowing that all the other points that you chose in the 20 years around it would not support his case”. That is a lie.

and continuing with a withering put-down

I hope that, on reflection, you will recognise that there should be a difference between the behaviour appropriate to a President of the Royal Society and acting as a shop steward for some kind of scientists’ closed shop.


Read the whole thing.

Update on Feb 27, 2013 by Registered CommenterBishop Hill

Interestingly, Nurse's comments about Lawson appear to have been added at the last minute. This version of his speech, which seems to have been prepared on the day of the lecture itself, does not seem to mention Lawson at all.

Update on Feb 27, 2013 by Registered CommenterBishop Hill

The transcript as broadcast is here.

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