Labour demand higher energy prices
Dec 2, 2013
Bishop Hill in Climate: Parliament, Energy: grid

Readers may remember that I mentioned the launch of Labour's green paper on energy last week. At the time, I made a cursory and ultimately fruitless attempt to find the document in question, and at least  one BH reader reckons it is in fact illusory.

Having dug a bit further, I have come across mention of a "ten-point plan", for example this analysis at the Carbon Brief. So I wonder if the green paper is in fact simply ten soundbites jotted down on a napkin by Ed Miliband and Captain Flint. If so, then it's a pretty damning indictment the level of thought involved in Labour's thinking, although perhaps not overly surprising as one looks at the body count that has resulted from the party's last time in office.

And as you look at point 9 on the plan, you see that the party is quite determined that prices will go higher still:

Set a 2030 power sector decarbonisation target to boost investor confidence.

Winter deaths? What winter deaths?

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