Slip sliding away
Oct 9, 2013
Bishop Hill in Energy: grid, Energy: oil

I was going to start this morning by writing something about the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, currently taking evidence from people like Lord Deben and David Warrilow, the UK's representative on the IPCC. However, it's a bit of a waste of time, to tell the truth, with the committee so far interested in exchanging platitudes with the witnesses.

Instead, take a look at the latest from Euan Mearns' blog, where he examines oil production in the UK which, despite massive new investment, is in precipitous decline.

This is the money quote:

The UK government, misguided by over zealous attachment to market dogma and by Green advocacy has neglected the interests of the UK population by allowing, indeed encouraging, the demise of indigenous primary energy production. Whilst some renewable energy most certainly has a place in the energy mix, an energy policy based on the 2008 Climate Change act with a focus on CO2 reduction strategies completely misses the big picture of providing affordable and secure energy for all and protecting the best interests of the UK economy.

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