In his evidence to the Science and Technology Committee this morning, DECC chief scientist David Mackay attacked Nigel Lawson for (allegedly) saying in an article a few weeks ago that the IPCC was advocating a complete phase-out of fossil fuels.
The article in question is this one at the Telegraph. I think there is a bit of a snafu here. The text of the article is as follows:
What we should emphatically not do is what Dr Pachauri, Lord Stern and that gang are calling for and decarbonise the global economy by phasing out fossil fuels.
So the text refers to Rajendra Pachauri (et al) demanding a fossil fuel phase-out rather than the IPCC per se. However, the standfirst to the article reads as follows:
The IPCC’s call to phase out fossil fuels is economic nonsense and 'morally outrageous’ for the developing world.
As readers here know, the standfirst is usually added by editors, so it may be that this is simply a case of an overimaginitive subeditor overegging things.