Bjorn Lomborg on the Dara report
Sep 29, 2012
Bishop Hill in Climate: WG2

I missed last week's Dara report, which took the long-since-debunked 300,000 global warming deaths figure, upped it a great deal, and stuck it out on the airwaves to see if the media were interested. By and large they were.

Bjorn Lomborg has responded with a withering analysis of the report's failures, exaggerations and outright deception.

September 26 was a triumph for public relations. An organization called DARA launched a report called "Climate Vulnerability Monitor 2nd Edition. A Guide to the Cold Calculus of a Hot Planet." The study, sponsored by 20 countries, projected some astoundingly large impacts from climate change, both on the number of deaths and the economic impacts. The report has produced a media heyday for climate alarmism, but is a house of cards built on dubious analysis and erroneous claims.

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