Geoff Chambers talks to Adam Corner
Jun 15, 2012
Bishop Hill in Climate: Sceptics

BH regular Geoff Chambers chats to Cardiff University psychologist Adam Corner about being a sceptic.

There is a growing body of aca­demic lit­er­ature that seeks to under­stand, explain – and even over­come – cli­mate change scep­ti­cism. But is it get­ting to grips with scep­ti­cism, or missing the point? In this unusual exchange (we hope the first of many) between Adam Corner (Talking Climate) and Geoff Chambers – (a reg­ular and prom­inent com­menter at sev­eral cli­mate sceptic blogs), they dis­cuss research on the psy­cho­logy of scepticism.

Read it here.


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