The 2012 Annual GWPF Lecture was given by Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt. Here is what the GWPF say about him:
Fritz Vahrenholt is one of the fathers of Germany's environmental movement. He studied chemistry and started his professional career in the 1970s at Germany's Federal Environmental Protection Agency in Berlin and the Ministry for the Environment in the state of Hesse. In 1990, his party, the center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD), chose him as environment senator in the city-state of Hamburg. In 1998, he became a member of the Board of Directors of Deutsche Shell AG with responsibility for renewable energy. In 2001 he founded the wind energy company REpower and is now director of RWE's renewable energy division Innogy, one of Europe's largest renewable energy companies. His book, The Cold Sun. Why the climate catastrophe will not happen, was published earlier this year. In August, he will take over as the executive director of the German Wildlife Foundation.
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