Lindzen in London update
Feb 8, 2012
Bishop Hill in Climate: Parliament, Climate: Sceptics

Philip Foster emails that the Lindzen talk has moved to a bigger venue: Wembley arena Committee Room 10.

Committee Room 10 (bigger!) but, as always, still could be changed again. Trace it at Westminster itself by looking for room booked by Sammy Wilson MP.

St Stephens Entrance for security, then head for main lobby and ask at desks for directions for the room number.

Update on Feb 8, 2012 by Registered CommenterBishop Hill

Regarding more places: could folk now email Fay Tuncay:
faykellytun roundthingy gmail dottything com

Please could people bear with us as the main aim is to get MPs and/or their researchers to come plus the Press (Leo Hickman of the Guardian already coming!). There are still only a total of 120 places for the room, though some standing room is presumably possible also.

We are getting a trickle of acceptances from MPs which could increase as the week goes by (they go on half term break next week so they could be bearded in their constituencies). So if people could also go to or write to their MP and urge them to come that would be a great help.

Would indeed we could have Wembley!! Or even the main chamber of the Commons!

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