Maurizio Morabito pointed out his Twitter exchange with Bora Zivkovic, a blogger at Scientific American. Zivkovic is rather worked up, but I think it's quite interesting too see what he has to say. He is clearly very much out of the same mould as Peter Gleick, viewing his cause as beleaguered by wicked big business. It's a fascinating study in groupthink.
(I was also amused by the argument that dissentients will not debate, when the Gleick affair seems to have had its roots in Gleick's refusal to speak to Heartland.)
Please try to avoid simply venting in the comments.
When slimey Watts sends his hordes over, result is a comment thread like this: full of greedy, duped cowards.
Finding it hard to make up my mind on Gleick. All made harder by the fact that Heartland is in the business of making and selling lies.
@krelnik @kieranmulvaney those who comment for free are really dupes, not realizing they could be paid for it by the denialist "think tanks"
@danfagin I agree w/Horgan this was big strategic blunder. But ethics are shadier: is he a journalist, scientist, activist? Whose ethics?
@omnologos GW denialism is dangerous, criminal and slimey. Again. #climate
@omnologos "enemies"? You admit you are waging a war on science now. #Gleickgate
@omnologos Heartland is waging war. Scientists were naive thinking that "truth will prevail". Money prevails, Kochs win. Have to fight back!
@omnologos is "questioning alarmism" a phrase coined by Dezenhall or Luntz? The proper terms is "denialist" so let's call it as it is.
@omnologos terms "alarmism" and "warmism" werr invented by rightwingnut PR hacks. We should continue calling you all denialists.
@omnologos btw, how come I see your tweets, I thought I blocked you years ago?
@omnologos ask the Kochs. Green Leviathans exist only in wet dreams of greedy, slimy, denialist rightwing cowards.
@omnologos and your repeated attempts to draw my employer into a personal discussion with ME is another typical rightwing slimy tactic
Denialists should be studied by psychiatrists. So much projection.
Educating people does not work, it assumes the 'deficit model'. Exposing shennanigans, sources of money, finding hypocrysy - that may work.
I should be able to open up the submission form for the next #openlab on Monday, bear with me...
Attacks paid for by big business are 'driving science into a dark era' Sad and scary when scientists are intimidated.
RT @lexalexander: Gleick was wrong no Q and end does not justify means. But what he did is NOT morally = buying denialism & its consequences
Catching up: @mocost's terrific piece skeptically sizing up the evidence for neurogenesis.
Right versus pragmatic
Ethical considerations regarding Heartland/Gleick by @scruffydan
Thank you! RT @raewing: Hooray! @PSMHopkins @sunbrae @BoraZ @artologica @j2wade you are all going into my fake book's real acknowledgements.
LOL, this tweet out of context could be misinterpreted ;-) RT @raewing: @BoraZ Good nuts!
@rvitelli @raewing a recipe book for a Tea Party (with Mad Hatter)?
#SciOVanuatu! RT @mistersugar: I'm hoping to go w/ family to #Vanuatu this summer. Anyone want to come along?
@wittier @sciencecomedian @blocke23 Lying about science is also un-American, thus Heartland and denialist liars need to be stopped.
@raewing too many gallons of icecream ;-)
@wittier @sciencecomedian @blocke23 denialists are free to speak, but their speech should be received by sharp debunking and laughter.
@wittier @sciencecomedian @blocke23 if denialists had any arguments worth considering, they'd debate instead of bankrolling PR liars.
Wasting Twitter characters to say "have a good day" is so rude.
@RyanMadanickMD LOL! No, that's what rightwingers like to do when they want to duck out of a debate.
RT @blocke23: Gleick's strategy may have been "misguided" but climate is NOT trivial issue. H.I. must be stopped by a diversity of tactics.
IN climate "debate" one side won with facts, the other side won with dirty money and lies. That's politics for you, I guess.
Republicans 4 Environmental Protection vs. Heartland #climate disinfo campaign: Climate #Science Watch