Reactions to low climate sensitivity
Dec 20, 2012
Bishop Hill in Climate: sensitivity

Apart from the Judith Curry piece, which I linked to yesterday, there have been a few others interested in what Lewis has to say.

Tim Worstall covered the story twice - once at his own blog, where the comments thread was quickly overwhelmed by the rantings and ravings of a well-known green, and once at Forbes.

Meanwhile, at Reason magazine, Ronald Bailey gave the story another airing.

My impression is that people are still trying to work out what to say. I think we will hear more in the coming days.

Update on Dec 20, 2012 by Registered CommenterBishop Hill

James Annan, a specialist in climate sensitivity, says this:

I think a lot of what Nic Lewis says seems reasonable, though I also suspect that some of his choices will have served to underestimate sensitivity somewhat. Don't forget, "the ipcc" does no research to estimate sensitivity, they only summarise the literature which generally lags the latest evidence.


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