Lomborg on a tech fix
Nov 6, 2012
Bishop Hill in Climate: WG3

The US presidential candidates have joined the ranks of those maintaining an embarrassed silence over global warming. After years of being lectured on the need to adopt one foolish policy after another, this silence is something of a breakthrough.

Bjorn Lomborg has decided to treat this uncharacteristic quietude as an opportunity and is providing a free overview of climate policy for Messrs Romney and Obama.

The Copenhagen Consensus is a think tank that ranks the economically smartest approaches to a variety of issues. In 2009, we asked 27 of the world's top climate economists to identify the costs and benefits of the top climate solutions. A group of eminent economists, including three Nobel laureates, ranked the smartest ways to fix the climate. Their answer was: Don't continue to expand current policies. Trying to make fossil fuels so costly that no one wants them is bad economics, in addition to being bad politics.

His proposed solution is technological - cheaper energy sources the main feature and geoengineering technology developed (but not deployed) as insurance.

It's certainly not as daft as current policies.

Article originally appeared on (http://www.bishop-hill.net/).
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